Friday, December 9, 2016

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Onychomycosis, or fungal infection of nails—most often on the toes—affects about 12% of Americans, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. 
Nail fungus is an embarrassing chronic condition that impacts your quality of life and can lead to serious health problems for those with diabetes or immune disorders.
Toenail fungus causes nails to become thick, yellow and brittle in a way that looks pretty ugly and can be painful. Sufferers can spend years and hundreds of dollars trying to clear the infection with drugs, topical treatments and home remedies, sometimes to no avail.
Stop suffering the pain and embarrassment of unsightly nail fungus. Laser Center in New Jersey offers a safe, drug-free and very effective nail fungus treatment: Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment. 

What is laser treatment for toenail fungus?

Laser is applied by the doctor to cover the entire toenail. During the procedure most people may feel a slight heat sensation with minimal to mild discomfort. 
Most insurances accepted. Laser Center treating toenail fungus has 3 locations in New Jersey. Visit website: www. for laser treatment for toenail fungus.

Call to find out more: 800-915-5560