Friday, February 12, 2021

 Laser Therapy for Toenail Fungus Removal

There are many traditional treatments for nail fungus including oral and topical anti-fungal treatments. Unfortunately, these treatments such as oral medications and topical creams, often don’t work. 

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a fungal infection that causes the nails to grow thick, discolored and brittle.

Toes are particularly susceptible to nail fungal infections since shoes create a warm, moist environment that is ideal for fungal growth. Nail fungus is not just a cosmetic problem as it can cause painful ingrown toenails due to deformity of the nail plate as a result of the fungal penetration. It can also cause bacterial infection due to physical trauma to the surrounding toes from the large, thick nail plate. Finally, it can cause pain from shoe pressure due to the thickness of the nail.

If you have struggled through toenail fungus infection, you know that they can be really hard to get rid of.

Laser treatment is the most effective way to treat your toenail fungus, and it provides a great alternative to prescription medications. The newest method of laser therapy treats nail fungus by heating and killing the fungal colonies in and underneath the nail.

Dr. Raginsky, DPM and his staff use LightPod Forte Nd: YAG 1064nm laser from Aerolase which is presently a gold-standard technology for fungus treatment due to its unique high power output, efficacy and fast treatment speed.

Unlike toenail removal surgeries, laser nail fungus removal is a relatively fast procedure that requires no drugs or anesthesia.

The laser used to rid your nails of the infection emits pulses of energy that heat up the affected cells in the nail bed to kill the fungus at its source. The treatment only takes about 20 minutes and is painless, so anesthesia and numbing are not required. There are also no side effects currently associated with laser therapy.

Experienced podiatrist Dr. Raginsky and Fair Lawn Podiatry Group provide toenail fungus laser treatments in 3 locations in New Jersey

620  Cranbury Road, Ste 106

East Brunswick, NJ 08816


7406 Bergenline Ave.

North Bergen, NJ 07047


1 Broadway Ste 103

Elmwood Park, NJ 07407


Visit website for more details:

Watch Dr. Raginsky, DPM explains the toenail fungus laser procedure: